{Do It Yourself} Face Wash // The Oil Cleansing Method

What is the oil cleansing method (OCM) you may ask?!?! Well, I'll give you the low down on the OCM to the best of my ability (& will try to keep it short).

First, let's get science(y). 
The OCM is all about the Dissolution Theory, which in a nutshell says that "like dissolves like". Example: "oil dissolves oil"

So, what does the Dissolution Theory have to do with your skin?
"Oil dissolves oil" - The OCM uses natural oils to pull dirt, oil, left over make up, dead skin, bacteria, and other icky things out of your pores, but also gives back lots of nutrients and can really enhance the health of your skin.

Now, let's get to the fun part!

you will need-
Castor Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Tea Tree Essential Oil (optional)
Measuring Spoons
Small Container (to hold oil mixture)
Clean Washcloth

ingredient ratios-
Dry Skin: 2 parts Sweet Almond Oil + 1 part Castor Oil + (optional) 2 drops Essential Oil
Oily Skin: 2 parts Castor Oil + 1 part Sweet Almond Oil + (optional) 2 drops Essential Oil
Normal Skin: 1 part Castor Oil + 1 part Sweet Almond Oil + (optional) 2 drops Essential Oil

how to-
Mix oils (per the ratio you choose) in a small container. DO NOT WET YOUR FACE. Pour oil mixture into your palm (about a 1/2 tbsp worth). Gently massage mixture all over your (dry) face. Once oil is applied, let sit on your skin for approx. 30 seconds. *During this time you can turn on the faucet to get the water as warm as you'd like it (I'd recommend warmer than luke warm to be able to soften the oils).* Soak washcloth with warm water. Place wet wash cloth on face for approx. 15 seconds. (This brings the icky stuff that's in your pores to the surface.) Gently wipe oils off of your face. (I move the washcloth in a circular motion when wiping my face.) Rinse washcloth and repeat wiping face until oils are off.

Enjoy the super clean and fresh feeling. :)

Side Notes-

  • I use a clean small herb container I bought from the local grocery store to hold my oil mixture in. You can also find travel size containers at Walmart.
  • Remember, the OCM is a chemical free way to cleanse your skin. Your skin may get worse before it gets better. The facial cleansers you buy at the store are filled with chemicals and that is what your skin is used to. Taking the chemicals away might cause your skin to be confused at first. 
  • My skin broke out for the first two weeks of using the OCM, but I pushed through and am SO glad I did! My skin always feels so soft and healthy. I love not having to rely on chemicals to feel clean.
  • I wash my face using the OCM at night and rarely need to moisturize because the Sweet Almond Oil makes my skin so soft.
  • There are lots of different oil combinations and essential oils to use for the OCM. Experiment! I'd recommend trying JoJoba Oil or Avocado Oil in place of the Sweet Almond Oil. Also, you can try lavender essential oil or carrot seed essential oil in your oil mixture. I like tea tree oil because it helps with my acne prone skin. Have fun with it and try to find the best balance for your skin.
  • I would say to stick with Castor Oil as one of the oils used in the OCM since Castor oil cleanses best. It can dry out your skin if you use too much. As stated above, try to find the best oil balance for your skin.
  • Disclaimer - I am no scientist or dermatologist. I use google to research and experiment with anything I want to try. The Oil Cleansing Method has really worked for me, but I understand that it may not be for everyone.


  1. i am a big fan of using coconut oil for my moisturizer. i will have to try this combo out !

    1. If you try it out, let me know how it works for ya. :) Yessss, coconut oil totally rocks!!!!!!!!
