Rainbow Wedding Network // The Wedding Expo

The Rainbow Wedding Network wedding expo went pretty smoothly for my first time running an event that big by myself. Of course my Aunts were extremely helpful and were easy to get in touch with whenever I needed anything. Thank goodness for cell phones and face time!

There were 400+ people signed up for the event and about 350 (maybe more) came out to the wedding expo.

It was a wonderful turn out!

Unfortunately the DJ cancelled last minute, so when it came time for the speech and raffle I was on my own. Because the room was so large and the crowd so big (and there wasn't a platformed area), no one could tell where I was coming from when I was trying to get everyone's attention. I finally stood on a chair and waved my arms in the air like a crazy person while saying "Hey everyone, I'm over here" into the microphone so everyone could see where I was. ;-) It was definitely a silly sight to see. I've never given any kind of speech in front of a crowd that large before. Sure, I've done presentations in college in front of a group of maybe 40ish people who were my classmates....but 350+ complete strangers was a totally different feeling for me. I was much more nervous when it came time to speak in front of everyone than I thought I would be. Let's just say I'm very glad I had on a black cardigan because I actually broke a sweat from nerves! ('ello & good day sweataaaay pits!)I was very happy with myself though because as nervous as I was I had a very good fake confidence going on and my voice didn't even shake or crack. I was really surprised I was able to give a flowing speech in front of so many people and super proud of myself once it was over.

I would say the end of the wedding expo was one of my most favorite parts, not because it was over but because of how thankful both vendors and attendees were for the event. Some of the stories I hear about people not being accepted by companies because they're L/G/B/T really blow my mind. It's awesome that Rainbow Wedding Network can provide a place where people can come together in complete harmony with no one feeling judged and no one being mistreated because of who they are. The vendors left with big smiles on their faces and it was so much fun watching the happily engaged couples leave with such excitement for their wedding. It was really a really neat experience to see couples leave who would almost literally be jumping with joy because they finally picked a date...and a location....and maybe even booked a photographer...and picked out their cake.....

I'm so happy I was able to take part in such a special day that truly made a difference in people's lives.

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