Sunday Strolls // River Legacy Park

Sam and I have officially moved to Fort Worth, TX and have slowly, but surely, been settling into our new place (pictures and updates to come soon).

Our weekends have been filled with unpacking, de-cluttering, organizing, and nesting. It has been a truly wonderful feeling getting all settled in....and NOT living out of boxes. :-D

Since moving to town, I have been doing a lot of research on Fort Worth's outdoor life and by-golly there are NOT enough days in a weekend to do everything I want to do! Park strolls, river hikes, lake side scenic sights...oh my!

This past Sunday, Sam and I rounded up the pups and set out to visit our first park near our new home, River Legacy Park. It was a fabulous and much needed Sunday stroll with the family (sans Sheera - she prefers to spend her Sundays napping).

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