Palo Duro Canyon // The Road

Sam and I have been together for 8 years & have officially been married for 2 of those years. The time is really flying by. We've been through some of the best times of our lives together and some of the not so best times. We embrace whatever is thrown our way with open arms and lots of positivity (or at least we try to make the best out of any negative scenario). As always, I'm eager to see what the future holds for us....but I always try my best to savor the here and now as the days just keep going by faster. {'Time flies when you're having fun' is an understatement.}

To celebrate our two year anniversary, Sam and I decided to see more of what our new home state has to offer. We packed our bags and hit the very open road to explore Palo Duro Canyon (aka 'the mini grand canyon of Texas').

The road that leads to Palo Duro from DFW was loooooong and booooring. I'm talkin 200+ miles of driving straight...nothing surrounding you but empty flat pastures. We did get to see some cool storms in the distance on the drive there, so the lightening entertained us for a while....and we got to see some beautiful rainbows. Once we got to Palo Duro, the long drive was totally worth it!

One the first day that we arrived at the canyon - Sam impressed me with his sweet rock climbing/bouldering skillz {& scared the bageebees out of me} and I impressed him with my sense of direction while we drove through the canyon to get our bearings.

Day one was quite an educational day for us. :-)

...taken after a few miles...

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