& We Celebrate // CHANGES!

Life has been a huge pile of change the past few months.

It all started when we bought a house. YES! We bought a house! Not just any house you see, we bought the most PERFECT house {for us}. It's OUR house and we absolutely love it. After years of living in boxes...waiting for the next move....we're settled {sort of}. We finally have a permanent place of residence AND it truly feels like home....there's just a long way to go before we make it feel 110% 'complete'.

So far, I've painted the walls in all the rooms except the master because I haven't decided what I want to do in that room yet (it's the blah room right now with boring brown walls and a simple box spring/mattress setup...we just sleep there). We've upgraded our college dorm style futon for a new sofa and love seat in the living room and we got our very first ever life size dining room table for our dining area! *I feel so grown up...who am I?!* ;-) Our longhorns fit perfectly above the mantle on the cream color brick fire place {Can you say meant to be?!} and we have a guest room that has an actual guest bed {a special family heirloom from the in-laws}!

&&& to top it off we have a completed baby room. Did you catch that?......baby room. Not an extra room that we're calling a baby room for the future munchkins that we have one day...it's a room for the baby that's actually growing in my tummy AT THIS VERY MOMENT.

You got it! I'm PREGNANT. 25 weeks and 4 days to be exact.

Talk about change! We're simply easing into the biggest change of ALL and I couldn't be more excited.

To be continued..... 

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