Post Baby Life // Adjustments and Learning

Well, as of TODAY Sam and I have a happy little EIGHT week and ONE DAY old (meant to post brain!). You read that EIGHT WEEK OLD (+ one day).

Where has the time gone?! How has it been eight whole weeks since I gave birth to my baby boy?!

The past eight weeks have been all about adjusting and much. much. learning.

Hardin adjusting to the entire world outside of my womb.

Sam, the fur babies, and me adjusting to Hardin.

Sam and me adjusting to being parents. Learning how to communicate as parents (we hit our first 'road block' - the great vaccinations debate...oh man, that's a story for another day).

Me adjusting to being a 'work-at-home-momma' (WAHM). Learning how to adjust my days around Hardin so I can be productive doing things that need to get completed for work and around the house.

Sam adjusting to me being home.

Me adjusting to my new post-pregnancy body. Learning to accept myself the way I am.

We're all working on finding a new 'normal'. So far, it's been fun, confusing, a little frustrating, and exciting all wrapped up in a single whirlwind of emotion with a great big cherry on top.

It's been such an amazing experience watching Hardin grow physically, emotionally, and mentally. He recognizes Sam and I fully now and will smile as soon as he sees us or as soon as he hears our voices. His little smile lights up his whole face and he coos so sweetly to tell us how excited he is that we are there with him. He loves when we make funny faces at him. He smiles, giggles, and will sometimes even try to mimic what our mouths are doing. He  can also be very serious and focuses very intently to the sounds and objects around him, trying to absorb as much as he can. It's so much fun watching the wheels turn in his mind.

I can't wait to see what the days, weeks, and months ahead hold for us!
Photo Credit: KT Photography
Photo Credit: KT Photography

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