Folks were NOT KIDDING when they said to savor the time I have with my sweet little baby, because it goes by quick.
I feel like I just gave birth (mentally...definitely NOT phsically...Ha!) and here I am a full year later with a TODDLER.
I could go on and on and on and on about how quickly time has flown by, but in the words of Sweet Brown, "ain't nobody got time for that."
It has been such an amazing experience watching our baby boy grow and an even more amazing experience watching him LEARN.
Just the other day he took the spoon full of oatmeal that I was about to feed him out of my hand to feed himself. Once he took that first bite all by himself, he then proceeded to put the spoon back in the oatmeal and scooped some up for another bite. SAY WHAT?! You read that right...HE FEEDS HIMSELF NOW!
I was shocked. I mean, I knew it was going to happen eventually....I just wasn't expecting it so soon and so abruptly. My mama heart wasn't ready for such a big change to happen so quickly.
It's an everyday thing now. He does something that just totally takes me by surprise.
Each day is an adventure and I'm so excited for everything that comes after year one!
Hardin's Current Favorites {ONE YEAR}
Food: blueberries
Book: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Song: Wheels On the Bus
Game: Peek-a-Boo
Animal: cats (he LOVES finding our cat, Sheera, and chasing her around the house)
Word: Shee-Shee (nickname for Sheera)
Color: red (he's especially drawn to all things red)
Outdoor Activity: swinging at the park
Indoor Activity: chasing Xander, Lady, and Sheera around the house (especially Sheera)
T.V. Show: Baby Einstein (the one about safari animals especially)
Toy: kazoo (he is always extra proud of himself since he knows how to do it)
Hardin's One Year Birthday Party {03.22.2017}
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